BitWorld EX 1.1.2
Posted on May 31st, 2024
Bitworld 1.1.2 has been released and with it comes new maps, enemies, UI and much more!
EX bosses
One feature we’ve wanted to add since BitWorld’s beta is EX bosses, these bosses are post game variants of the seven main bosses you fight on your journey throughout BitWorld. To fight these bosses you’ll have to search for a piece of their past and use it to craft a special item which lets you enter a door located in the Keep. Currently Far A Woh and Gobtar are the only bosses with an ex variant, with more following suit in the coming updates.

You asked, we listened
Some of the most requested changes we’ve been hearing have been neglected for far too long, but we finally got around to changing them.
I’m specifically talking about Gockcan’s Island and the Rare wolf quest.
Gockcan’s Island is now finally a proper boss dungeon featuring a new map, new encounters and a longer runtime. The Rare wolf quest has also finally been removed and replaced with a new quest, instead of searching for a 1% golden wolf encounter you’ll now have to search for the gilded wolf’s grotto to fulfill a old man’s request.

Squeaky clean UI
As part of our attempt to make BitWorld more accessible we also updated the bank menu. By implementing a grid layout in which you can better search through your countless items. And of course it’s now also keyboard and controller navigable, something which is a more frequent sight these days. We are pretty close to making BitWorld 100% navigable with controller and keyboard and we hope to full support in the coming updates.

The future of BitWorld
As we close out this blogpost lets look ahead into the future. First off, this year won’t have the summer event, this is mainly because we’ve already used it twice, and we would rather spend the time we would use for upkeep to create more exciting content for you all.
The next update should be focused around a different event, other than that we will be adding some minor features and delving more into the BitWorld world and lore.
After this update we will start working on BitWorld 1.2, we previously mentioned that we started work on our second game, which is why the new updates haven’t been coming out as frequently as in BitWorld’s first year. This still remains true which is why we’ve decided to push back the 1.2 update to 2025. To make up for this, let me share some insider information.
The 1.1 update was focused all around crafting and adding secondary gameplay aside from combat. The 1.2 update will focus on combat, dungeons and teamwork. This update will also add battle background to battle which should give the combat in BitWorld some extra flair.
That’s all for now, we hope you have fun playing BitWorld 1.1.2