BitWorld Spooktober
Posted on October 4th, 2024
Today we launched Bitworld 1.1.3 which features the all new Halloween event!
Explore the abandoned church
In this event you will venture into a abandoned church which suddenly appeared south of Coburgh. You will soon find out this church holds countless secrets as a sinister story unfolds. Don’t be late now, because this event will only be here for a limited amount of time.
Of course this event also brings limited time cosmetics and emotes to celebrate the occasion, can you collect them all?

New systems
This update doesn’t offer much permanent content, but it does add some new exciting systems and changes which shake up the game, namely;
-Levers which can open and close gates on demand.
-The all new fear status effect which might make you to afraid to attack your target.
-Improved tiles and sprite visibility
Lore Journal
The biggest new system is the lore journal, you’ll be able to find lore notes scattered all around the event which will give extra context to the story. While this system is currently only available in the event map, we plan on rolling it out on a wide scale adding lore and stories abound to the world of Bits, the BitWorld if you may.
What now?
The next update will be the big 1.2, but this will take some time especially now that development of our new game has fully picked up steam. We don’t feel confident in mentioning a release date as of now, so instead we’ll say; it’s done when it’s done.
That’s it for now, we hope you have a blast exploring the new Halloween content.
BitWorld 1.1 Crafting Update
Posted on October 20th, 2023
We have just released the first major BitWorld update, the crafting update!
Hop on the server and start crafting today!
A brief overview of the changes we made:
-new crafting system
-250+ new items and materials
-new rank system
-new dungeon
-new archer class
-map overhauls
and much, much more
A full changelog can be found on the Discord server.
World of Lies and bytes
Posted on May 5th, 2023
Hello there people of BitWorld, today we launch update 1.0.3, this update adds a few new features, some of which are highly anticipated.
Without further ado, let’s get into the new stuff
Is that a chest?
This update introduces a new monster, namely the fearsome mimic

These hideous creatures inhabit chests, from the outside they look exactly the same, but these monsters mean business. You’ll have to fend them off before getting the chest reward.
There are around 20 of them scattered around the world as of now, not only will you get the treasure tucked away in the chest, you’ll also get a mimic tooth, let’s just say that while inconspicuous as of now they may prove to be pretty useful in the future, but that will have to wait until a later.
The Boss is ready for trouble
This update adds Love Letter part 3, in this quest you’ll have to venture into the beasts den to find Oliver, in here you will find The Boss. This ruthless man doesn’t play games so don’t be surprised when he uses his assets to make you rue the day you challenged him.

Love letter is far from finished, so be sure to keep helping Oliver and Marla reunite in the updates to come
More magical changes
Finally we have some small changes which make a huge difference, namely the spell resetter.
This magical goblin will reset your chosen spells for a price, with this you can now finally mix and match spells. No longer will you have to be melancholic about picking the wrong spell, yes the future is now!

While there are some more smaller changes, I won’t go over them here, you’ll have to read the changelog to find out about them.
Closing thoughts
The weather is getting better, so be sure to go outside and enjoy nature once in a while. While we get that playing BitWorld is fun, taking breaks is important, don’t go around playing the game for 60 hours in a row. Instead you can take a walk, have a picnic or go fishing, maybe you’ll catch a red carp or a bass. You never know for sure right?
That is all for this update, we hope you will keep enjoying BitWorld.
BitWorld 4.1.A
Posted on April 1st, 2023
Hello there players of BitWorld, today we bring you an exciting announcement.
We have had a great launch month and the next update is right around the corner so we’d like to tell you all what kind of new features will be added
As you all know BitWorld currently has 5 classes, Warrior, Wizard, Monk, Assassin, Warlock, over this past month we’ve realized that these classes don’t invoke the kind of wonder that we wanted the players to experience which is why we have decided that we will remove every class except for the monk. We know that players only play monk so why bother with the rest, instead we have made 2 new classes.
The monk

The monk

We hope that these 2 new classes together with the existing monk can bring players the classes they want and need.
We will also be adding a new area to BitWorld called the void, in this area players can expect to fight countless monsters of the night like the voidling and the voidspawn. This area will be the final one that players visit on their journey and it has an unique gimmick.
The void has no visuals, you’re in the dark after all.
Let’s introduce some of the new landmarks of the void shall we?

This is the central hub in the void, the bazaar, a place where many different species meet to have fun and trade their goods. You will be tasked with getting the 5 triangles from each major figure in the void in order to open the chest of nothingness. This is a difficult task due to the soul bandits looking to steal the triangles from you, so better watch out!

This is the final castle, known as furfur palace, this place is filled with the most grueling enemies we have made so far, like the bound soulhunter

This monster can instakill you if you don’t have your darkness helmet on so be careful!
Other changes
This update also brings along a slew of other changes, namely:
-changed monk ki recharge 25>200
-changed monk heal 15 > 2 HP
-changed crazy bill drink mechanic, crazy bill now dies if he drinks more than 3 times in a battle
-changed gobtar encourage back to when it was a boon
-changed feesh ATK stat 15>300
-added bob’s cousin bill
-added stick of truth
-added croks (not copyrighted)
-added death potion
-added soggy bread
-added freaky dungeon, a place where weird stuff happens
-changed the tower to be inaccessible
-changed launch event to birthday event
-changed lucador back to beta town
-changed golden goop requirement in volcano from 3 > 20
-changed half of BitWorlds teleporters to stop working
-removed chat
-added chatGPT chatbox
-changed controller support, game can now only be played with the virtual boy controller
-changed inventory slots 12 > 2
-renamed BitWorld to BitWorlds
-real update coming april 7th
SlimeWorld Online
Posted on March 11th, 2023
The first few weeks of BitWorld
Hey there everyone, today’s blog post will be a recap of the first few weeks of BitWorld and the new content in the first update which launched yesterday March 10th.
First of all Glenn and I want to thank every single one of you who has played BitWorld up to this point, we’re astonished at how many of you not only tried BitWorld but also played it extensively, some people have played BitWorld for over 30 hours which is just mind boggling to us, so once again, thanks for playing BitWorld and suggesting changes, reporting bugs and voicing your wants it means the world to us.
Slime Island is here
As previously teased BitWorld got a new mini area with this update, slime island.
To access this island you have to speak with a familiar face in the salty mug and set out on a quest of riches on the mysterious slime island.
This island consists of 4 distinct floors with their own environments, enemies and items. Don’t think this will be a quick journey though, the enemies levels span from lvl 20 to lvl 80 so you’ll have to come back a few times in order to fully explore this vast new area. Here are some sneak peaks of the floors you’ll explore.
Fungal Hideaway

Steep Cliff

Flooded Craig

Crystal Cavern

Together with slime island we have also added some smaller stuff into the game like a new desert quest, new items, balancing and visual clarity.
Cool but what’s next?
The next couple of updates will be focused on improvement instead of expansion so you can expect multiple smaller features and updates to existing content. We want to make sure the players experience is consistent while playing which is something that hasn’t been fully realized yet. We’ll reveal more of the upcoming changes at a later date so be sure to stick around to find out.
Bitworld: A new beginning
Posted on February 17th, 2023
Changes between demo and release
Now that BitWorld has finally launched lets go over some of the things you’ll notice when you log in for the first time.
Character data
All previous account data has been wiped for parity reasons, this means you will have to create a new character and start your journey once again. There is no need to register a new user, your email and password will still work. To compensate for this loss every demo player will receive a beta emote to show your dedication for bitworld. Use this link to restore your password if you have forgotten it:
Alongside this wipe the scoreboard has also been reset, the top 3 players will be rewarded with an icon next to their name so they can show off to the lesser players.
Level cap
Of course now that a whopping 6 new areas have been added to BitWorld the level cap has been raised from 10 to 100 so you can play to your heart’s content, will you be the first player to reach level 100?
As you’ve probably already noticed the website has received a new lick of paint so be sure to check out every nook and cranny for maximum knowledge about BitWorld.
We’ve opened up a Patreon where you can choose to support the game, this is completely optional but it allows us to keep our server running and maybe open up more servers to better accommodate the players. We’re still figuring out the rewards but we’ll be sure to notify you all when they’re up
Time for a party
The BitWorld launch comes bundled with a small event, namely the BitWorld launch event (clever name right?). Defeat balloon animals and party monsters to gain tokens which you can exchange for cool rewards like party hats and an emote, if you’re lucky enough you might even get your hands on a rainbow token to unlock the rainbow party hat which will never be obtainable after this event.

We hope you’ll enjoy BitWorld, these last 1.5 years have been one hell of a ride and we’re exited to see what is next for both BitWorld and future projects.
Catch the lightning
Poison, Chaos and other dangers
Posted on June 13th, 2022
A in-depth look into the combat system of BitWorld
This blogpost was written in tandem with Hello Bitworld!, that post goes into general info related to BitWorld, this post will talk about: classes and the combat system. A RPG isn’t complete without its combat and thus we’ve dedicated a big portion of our time to make combat as exciting as possible. This blog post will be quite long so buckle up, we’ll start with the playable classes of Bitworld.
The most important part of a warrior is their heart
On release BitWorld will have 5 playable classes these are:
- The Warrior
- The Monk
- The Assassin
- The Wizard
The [Redacted]
Lets Start with the Warrior.

The Warrior is the most basic class in the game, focusing on defending and tanking while dishing out respectable damage. While their spells are basic in nature they do get a lot of flexibility with equipment, but more on that later.
The Warrior uses Grit as their resource, Grit charges up when you get hit or when you yourself deal damage, it maxes out at 50% of your max HP.
This leads the Warrior to a playstyle where they use defensive spells to charge up Grit to then unleash their more offensive spells upon the enemy.
Let’s go over the Monk next.

The Monk is a class geared towards buffing themselves and debuffing enemies, this class is excellent in the early game and keep their relevancy throughout the game due to their great versatility in combat and consistent stats.
The Monk uses Ki as their resource, Ki recharges a certain amount every turn based on level and has a static max amount of 200.
The Monk can sling spells left and right due to Ki’s uptime, making them great at getting an immediate advantage when entering a battle.
Then we have the Assassin

The Assassin is a class which deals high damage but is frail in return. You’ll have to plan out every move to ensure victory but if you plan correctly you’ll be able to devastate your opponents.
The Assassin uses Precision as their resource, Precision charges each turn and holds up to a maximum of 3 charges, when you’re at max charges your basic attacks will always crit. You’ll have to pick between high basic attack damage or a flurry of spells when playing as the Assassin.
Lastly there is the Wizard

The Wizard is the most versatile and unique class, Wizards are able to choose an element which to master, altering their spells and playstyle, they have a choice between: Formless, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Air, Holy, Chaos and Support, but more on that later.
The Wizard uses Mana as their resource, Mana is a resource doesn’t recharge on its own, you need to replenish it with potions or by resting at an inn. Since Mana can be managed outside of battle the Wizard is able to enter a battle with guns blazing, but they do have to be careful about Mana consumption as to not run out mid battle.
As for the last class, let’s just say sword nor magic is enough to satisfy their needs.
Crushing the competition
Now that we have the classes out of the way let’s talk about the next topic.
The BitWorld demo currently features physical, magical and true damage, this however won’t be the case upon release.
Damage Styles
Damage Types have been split up in Damage Styles, meaning that physical damage is now made up of: Slashing, Piercing and Crushing damage, while all still physical they each have their own damage multipliers.
For example, let’s say you’re fighting a fearsome Slam Clam

Due to it’s sturdy shell, slashing attacks will be suboptimal, but if you can pierce a weak point, you’ll deal extra damage. For most enemies these modifiers will be small enough for the player to ignore damage styles, but the system will reward the few who think carefully about their encounters with enemies.
But don’t think you’re the only one lucky enough to use these new tricks, of course the enemies will also be using damage styles, so you better bring your best, or don’t it’s up to you.
Magic has also been split up in a system closely tied to damage styles, heck internally it even is the same system.
Magic is now split up between elements, with their own general identity.
- Formless – No specialty
- Fire – Damage over time
- Ice – Slow but powerful
- Lightning – Quick but weak
- Air – AOE
- Holy – Powerful but Inaccurate
- Choas – Powerful but dangerous for yourself
- Tactical – Buffing and miscellaneous spells
- Support – Healing and Reviving
While their identity is just a generalization it is great to keep in mind when picking spells. Now is also a great time to mention that spells and basic attack can have more than 1 damage style / element at a time, up to 3 in fact. Before we jump to the next topic here are some pictures of the updated spell and weapon ui, and also the icons for the damage styles.

Sick burns and stunning wordplay
Let’s talk about status effects next, for those who’ve fought the Rat King already you might’ve noticed he has the ability to poison you, this is one of the many status effects in BitWorld, here is a list of all the status effects you’ll find.
- Burn – Deals %HP damage for 5 turns
- Poison – Deals %HP damage but doesn’t kill, ends after resting
- Bleed – Deals increasing %HP damage for the battle duration
- Paralyze – 25% to miss attacks, ends after battle
- Confuse – Lose control over character for 1 – 3 turns
- Sleep – Can’t act for 1 – 3 turns
- Disable – Can’t use spells for 1 – 3 turns
- Stun – Flinch, missing your attack for 1 turn
Since there are quite a few they’ll be slowly introduced over the course of the game, these status effects can be pretty powerful if used correctly, so be sure to keep them in mind when you face your enemies in battle.
There are also boons which are the counterparts of status effects, these grant the user positive effects depending on which boon was activated.
Here is a list of the boons in BitWorld
- Regen – Heal %HP for 5 turns
- Cleanse – Give immunity to status effects for 3 turns
- Clarity – Give immunity to negative stat drops for 3 turns
These boons aren’t quite as abundant as status effects but do offer some extra variety in battle.
Quickfire round
There are also a few systems that aren’t big enough to warrant an entire section so instead we’ll quickly go over them here.
Stat changes: Some spells or items buff or drop stats. Stats affected are:
- Attack
- Intelligence
- Defense
- Resistance
- Speed
- Accuracy
- Evasion
- Aggro
- Crit Chance
- Crit Damage
Conditional spells: Spells of which their effects change when certain conditions are met, like dealing extra damage when poisoned.
Immunities: Some enemies won’t be affected by certain types of damage or status effects.
Closing Thoughts
This covers most of the combat systems in place when BitWorld launches.
Our goal with the combat is to make it accessible to the common player while making it deep enough that those who want to minmax every single piece of their loadout are able to do so.
We have tons of extra ideas planned for post launch, but that will be discussed at a later date, for now I’ll leave you all with a teaser of a never before seen boss.

Catch the lightning
Hello BitWorld!
Posted on June 11th, 2022
BitWorld has its own blog now, crazy right?
With the BitWorld demo finally live after months of hard work it’s time to look at the future of the project and finally answer a question that has plagued many for ages now.

Even though the project has been publicly known since January there still isn’t that much info on BitWorld and it’s goals which is why we kick off the BitBlog (name still under consideration) with 2 posts:
Hello Bitworld! and Poison, Chaos and other dangers.
With that being said let’s get into it shall we?
The world of bits
BitWorld is a free MMORPG inspired by old NES RPGs like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest while trying to modernize some aspects to create a simple and fun experience for players looking for nostalgia, to burn some time while at school or maybe to become the very best.
The game features 7 areas to explore and level in.
So let’s spot some light on these wonderful places shall we?
- If you’ve played the demo you should be familiar with the plains of Rudora where you’ll encounter your standard RPG monsters such as slimes and crazed lunatics spreading baloney.
- After that you’ll visit the forest down below where Gobtar the great is wreaking havoc on the innocent gnomes.
- Third up is the Riptide Gulf, the sea folk there might be a bit shady but mostly all of them have kind hearts, just don’t run into Gockcan while you’re there.

- If you coast on through you’ll find yourself in Ali’s desert, funny part is, Ali’s missing so I guess that just makes it a normal desert no?

- The next place you’ll visit is Glaze Mountain, a barren place without towns or other people, you’ll have to fight tooth and nail to climb to the top of this monster ridden place.

- After all that hard work you’ve deserved a trip to the far away land of Almiya, just don’t expect any rest or directions while you’re there.
- Last up is Blaze Mountain where the local cult is just a teensy bit too passionate about dragons.
But why are you visiting all these places in the first place you may ask?Because it’s more interesting to have diverse landscapes Well because of the wacky story of course!
A wizard has been summoning people to this world to help him rid the world of an ancient evil, to do this you need to collect the seven orbs needed to seal the evil once more.

While on you’re journey you’ll be doing quests, defeating monster, clearing dungeons, solving puzzles, collecting items and all of this is doable with your friends in tow!
BitWorld now and forever
Now that you know a bit more about BitWorld lets talk about our intentions regarding BitWorld as a product.
Let’s get the most dreaded part out of the way, the monetization.
BitWorld is and will stay free to play with no pay to win mechanics in place, this game was made with the idea to make something fun for everyone and we want to keep it that way, you will still be able to support the development of the game in the future through vanity and server boosts but more about that when the systems are better planned out.
As it stands now we want to keep improving BitWorld after launch with patches, updates, events in the future, how long we will keep updating the game depends on player demand, but let’s not dwell on that for now, instead we can look forward to the day BitWorld releases!

Closing thoughts
Right now we’re busy at work finishing the game, the release shouldn’t be that far off. We should have 1 more update to the demo at the end of the month if everything goes right, The only thing I’ll spoil is this image.

Be sure to check out Poison, Chaos and other dangers if you’re interested in the intricacies of the combat and classes in the Bitworld.
See you all in the next blog post!
Catch the lightning