This page has a couple of things you could try when experiencing poor performance when playing BitWorld.
1. Turn on Hardware Acceleration
BitWorld requires your browser’s Hardware Acceleration to be turned on.
- Click the menu button
and select Settings.
- In the General panel, go down to the Performance section.
- Uncheck the box next to Use recommended performance settings.
- Make sure the checkbox is selected Use hardware acceleration when available
- Close and reopen the browser
More info:
Google Chrome
- Click the three stacked dots in the upper right of the browser window.
- Click the arrow next to “Advanced” and select “System.”
- Make sure the box next to “Use hardware acceleration when available” is toggled on.
- Close and reopen the browser
Microsoft Edge
- Click the three stacked dots in the upper right of the browser window.
- Click on “Settings” then “System” on the left side.
- Toggle on “Use hardware acceleration when available” if this is not enabled.
- Close and reopen the browser
Note: As of macOS Catalina (version 10.15), Hardware acceleration is automatically enabled, and there is no way turn this on and off. If you are using an older version of MacOS, please use the steps below:
- Click on the “Safari” then “Settings”
- Click “Advanced” on the top right of the Settings window and ensure “Use hardware acceleration” is enabled
2. Change your Video refresh setting
Open the BitWorld menu and then go to the settings tab.
Select the “Display” tab and then the “Video refresh” setting.
Try out all of the settings to find the one with the best performance.
You can track the current framerate using the /fps command in the chat.
Available settings:
Auto: Platform default. (vsync disabled)
Reduced: Lowers the max framerate to half the monitor’s native refresh rate. (vsync enabled)
Optimal: Uses the default monitor refresh rate. (vsync enabled)
Maximum: Uses the maximum possible fps. Has a negative impact on CPU % (vsync disabled)
3. Use the experimental windows client
An experimental windows client is available to download in our Discord.
This may yield better performance than playing the game in the browser.